Privacy policy


These provisions of the Privacy Policy concern the establishment of principles for personal data processing, in particular the collection, storage and use of personal data of users of the website, hereinafter referred to as "Users". The scope of the Privacy Policy includes data provided directly by the User.

The administator of the personal data is MOODIPHY SP Z O.O. SPÓŁKA JAWNA with the seat in Gdynia (address: ul. Inżynierska 13, 81-512 Gdynia), REGON 384113264, NIP 5862347684, entered in the Business Register of the National Court Register with KRS number 0000893348, hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator".

In case of questions about the processing of your personal data and your rights in this regard, user may contact us by e-mail at address:

If you wish to delete your account on the website and unsubscribe from the newsletter, please send your request to:

Cookies can be deleted after logging in to your account.

The Administrator observes the principles set out in Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC, hereinafter referred to as "the GDPR", adequately protects Users personal data against unlawful access to personal data by third parties, in particular encrypts personal data, archives personal data, assesses measures to safeguard personal data, ensures the confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of systems and processing services.

Personal data of the User: (name, surname, address of residence, e-mail address, telephone number) will be processed solely for the purpose of enabling the use of the functionality of the service, including the online store and for the possible purpose of establishing, investigating or defending against claims, for analytical, archival, accounting purposes, as well as for the purpose of offering Users products and services directly (direct marketing).

The data for these purposes will be processed on the basis of Article 6 paragraph 1 letters b), c) and f) of the GDPR so, when: processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or to take action at the request of the data subject before the conclusion of the contract; processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligation incumbent on the administrator; processing is necessary for purposes arising from legitimate interests pursued by the administrator or by a third party, except in situations, where the interests or fundamental rights and freedom of the data subject requiring the protection of personal data override these interests

Personal data will be transferred to payment operators: DotPay and ING Bank Śląski S.A. ("Bank") in connection with: providing by the Bank to the Online Shop a service for the access to internet infrastructure for service and banks settlement of payments made by customers of the Online Shop using online payment instruments, and for the purpose of verifying the proper performance of contracts concluded with the Online Shop, in particular ensure the protection of the interests of payers in relation to their complaints. Personal data will also be transferred to the DPD courier company.

The processing of Users personal data for the purpose of marketing products or services of business partners MOODIPHY SP Z O.O. SP.J. will take place only after the User has given his consent pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 1 letter a) of GDPR.

The user has the right to:

  • access data and receive a copy of it;
  • rectify (amend) their data;
  • erasure - if, in their opinion, there are no grounds for us to process the data;
  • restrict processing - if, in their opinion, we have inaccurate data about the User or are processing it without grounds; or the User does not want us to delete it because the User needs it to establish, assert or defend a claim; or for the duration of the objection to the processing;
  • object to the processing of the data for direct marketing purposes and the right to object to the processing of the data on the basis of legitimate interests for purposes other than direct marketing, and where the processing is necessary for us to carry out a task carried out in the public interest or for the exercise of public authority entrusted to us;
  • data portability - the User has the right to receive the data from the Administrator in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format, previously provided to the Administrator under a contract or consent, or may have the Administrator send this data directly to another party;
  • lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority - if the User believes that we are processing the data unlawfully, they can lodge a complaint to this effect with the President of the Data Protection Authority or any other competent supervisory authority;
  • withdraw consent to the processing of personal data - at any time the User has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of those personal data which the Administrator processes on the basis of the User’s consent; withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

The User provides all data voluntarily and knowingly, however, failure to provide the basic data necessary to identify the User prevents the provision of services in the form of sales of products and any other activities that are the basis of the operation of the website.

The following categories of entities may have access to the Users personal data:

authorised employees and associates of the Administrator;

service providers who supply the Administrator with technical and organisational solutions enabling the performance of the service provision agreement for the functionality of the Service and the management of the Administrators organisation (in particular courier and postal companies, IT service providers, marketing service providers, legal and consulting service providers and their authorised employees and associates);

The Administrator will not transfer or authorise the transfer of personal data provided by the User outside the EEA unless it has taken the measures necessary to ensure that the transfer complies with the GDPR. The measures in question may include, in particular, the transfer of personal data to a recipient in a country that, in accordance with a decision of the European Commission, ensures adequate protection of personal data or to a recipient in the United States that has certified compliance with the EU-US Privacy Shield program.

The Administrator also uses Google Analytics, HotJar and an interactive agency through which it examines, among other things, how Users use the Website and how they arrived at it.

Users personal data will be processed for no longer than necessary, ie for the period of holding an account at or subscribing to the newsletter, and after deletion or unsubscribing from the newsletter until the expiry of the limitation period for any claims that may be raised against the Administrator. So, we will not process the data for longer than 6 years after the deletion of the account. Personal data processed for the purposes covered by the statement of consent will be processed for these purposes until the consent is revoked and, after revocation, until the expiry of the limitation period for any claims that the Administrator may raise and that may be raised against the Administrator.

The User has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in charge of personal data protection - the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.


Users using the Administrators sites, products and services may in some cases be asked to provide some personal data. We require only those data which are necessary for the proper functioning of the service and the processing of orders. Failure to provide the required data will block the possibility of carrying out the activity to which the data referred.


Subscribing to the electronic newsletter on requires that the User provides email address and consent to the sending of commercial information electronically. The email addresses obtained in this way are added to the Websites mailing list. The email address is necessary in order to be able to send the newsletter to the User.


The ordering of services and products offered by the Website at requires the provision of more complete address data in the relevant form. Mandatory fields are marked.


The Website reserves the right to send commercial information to persons whose contact details it holds and who have agreed to receive such information.

By commercial information we mean information relating directly to our service (eg changes, internal promotions), non-commercial letters and commercial information, the distribution of which is related to our products and services.

Commercial information is filtered to the extent possible so that the User only receives messages of interest to them, their size is limited and they are sent occasionally.


The Website at uses cookie technology, ie small text files saved on the Customers computer, which identify the Customer each time when they reconnect to the online shop from that computer. Cookies are also used to collect statistical data exclusively for our purposes. This data does not violate your privacy and is protected from access by third parties. The use of cookies may be disabled in the options of the browser, and the method of disabling cookies depends on the type of browser used.

On our websites, third parties place information in the form of cookies and other similar technologies on your terminal device (eg computer, smartphone) and access them. These are our trusted partners with whom we continually work to tailor the advertisements on our and their websites, as well as the services that we and our trusted partners provide, to the needs and interests of the User. Such trusted partners are entities within the Wirtualna Polska capital group.